Monday, December 16, 2013

what is loose vagina?

Women’s vaginas also come in different sizes, but in even more ways. The difference between men and women is that the vagina is adjustable to a certain extent. There are 2 widths and 2 depths to a vagina. There is the size of the opening and the tightness past the cervix. There is the depth to the cervix and the total enlarged depth past the cervix.

Most women will adjust to the size of most penises, but this not always the case. For instance, there are women who are tighter than average and experience discomfort or even pain with a very large penis. There are women with a tipped uterus who are too tight to allow a longer penis to comfortably slip past the cervix. There are women with weak pelvic floor muscles who will feel loose to a man with even an average penis. To say that this case is the fault of the man having too small of a penis is laughable. If that excuse is used by women then it would be justifiable for men to say that a woman is defective and too small if she experiences pain when having sex with a man with a large penis.

If a woman is loose because of weak pelvic floor muscles then it is her responsibility to do Kegel exercises to strengthen those muscles and not to blame a man because he is just average. There are women who are happiest with a thin 5 inch penis and there are those who are happiest with 7 or 8 inches and all sizes in between. I think that it would be more useful for men and women to look at reality and how people of both sexes come in different sizes than to get so defensive and try to blame the opposite sex for a problem that is a joint compatibility. It most often seems that people who try to blame every problem on another person have issues with self-esteem.

Vaginal tightening involves several methods that are each effective in their own way

Kegel Exercise - an exercise to tighten and tone the vaginal wall.
Vaginoplasty - a vagina reconstruction surgery.
Herbal Supplements 

Loose vagina reduces your thrive and satisfaction level, therefore many women go for vaginal tightening in order to regain the lost satisfaction in terms of sexual relationship.

Women suffering from prolapse can't enjoy pleasure of their married life with their partner. Because of loose vagina and enlarged labia, during intercourse many women suffer severe pain and they won't get the same pleasure once they had before having children.

Often women who have the sensation that their vagina is stretched also notice that they leak urine, especially when they laugh, sneeze, or cough.

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